Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Olympics and Me

I LOVE THE OLYMPICS.  My love affair with them started 28 years ago when I gave birth to my second son.  As any new parent knows, newborns require constant, 24/7 vigilance.  It is one tough job with no rest -- it is just constant. 

Enter the Olympics games.  YES, 1984 was an Olympic year, which meant I could watch the Olympics with my very nocturnal newborn son.   We would catch a nap here and there, but come the middle of the night he was up and so was I.  This was a blessing, no sleepy-eyed rocking chair action for us.  We were up and at full attention in front of the TV.  You see in the mid-80s it is during the middle of the night that they broadcast the women’s events.

My son and I watched women compete in the Olympics in gymnastics, field hockey, diving, basketball and you name it sport.  It was inspiring to watch those women from all over the world compete for a gold medal on TV.  How lucky was I that I was up to watch them!!!

Yesterday, once again I found myself at full attention in front of the TV watching the Olympics.  This time I was with my Dartmouth family who require much less attention then my son did in ‘84.  As a matter of fact, I am the one that requires attention and they kindly take care of me.   

Everyone in the room was a woman and an athlete.  One of the spectators had even won two Olympic gold medals!!!   How did that happen!!!  But the most amazing thing of all was that we watched women compete in the Olympics during PRIME TIME!!!!  Not because it was fair, but because it was good for the TV ratings.

How lucky am I?? ? How lucky are all of us???

Until next time,


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